Safethehumanity Safe-ACTION #1 by TURKEY Representatives: 25 Families rescued to Evict unemployment side effects during Covid19, 25th June, 2021.

4 min readJun 26, 2021



Safe-ACTION is the world interventionist program of safethehumanty’s representatives to provide care/welfare using own budget or collectives resources.

SafeTheHumanity is a charity based defi project. We are committed to bringing a change to humanity using blockchain technology and all the incredible features offered by smart contract to run safethehumnty-decentralised protocol. Since the day one, we are pursued to put collective actions as a pillar at heart of safethehumanity project in order to make impact around the world. Safethehumanity was built up with activist, Human Right fighters, Representatives or Supporters.

So far, through the global intervention program, our massive and strategic marketing plan helps to push safethehumanity on over 400 crypto news medias. Henceforth, our prominent and reliance as team is to incite and show off our zeal to make the change.


SafeTheHumanty is by essence relying on holders/users’ community to impact the word. However, in the collectiveness of our Representaives, we intend to endure Human Rights and Needs Actions to help people and save livings globally.


TURKEY’ safethehumanity’s Representatives took the first step on 25th june, 2021 to provide 25 families in TURKEY Izmir with foods.


Covid-19 pandemic spreads consequent the increase of unemployment rate in TURKEY and many families are at derives. According to medias, the heights reached 12.9% in this first quarter of 2021. Our TURKEY Representatives dive into the community and figured a way out to assist some familes which are left behind due to job insecurity and financial conditons.


At safethehumanity, our mission is to impact globally through donation. Safethehumanity Safe-ACTION will be established on every part of world as long as the project undergoes success. We have a great look at the human beings’ welfare and other species on the planet.


Thus, the interventionist program will increase and willingly our community would be part of it.

In the course of Safe-ACTION #1, TURKEY Representatives were able to apprehend socio-economic conditions of Izmir civilians.

We proceeded by doors to doors in the Izmir city to get accurate datas on civilians financial conditions in order to better further action to assist that community.

Safethehumanity team is delighted and proud of the first interventionist program in Turkey. We believe that bringing a joy in a day worth. The mission is simple and our vision is global. In helping the humanity, we conceive that, blockchain technology would serve good cause. Hence, further interventionist program would be carried out in another country by our Representatives in that specific location.

Shortly, our token holders will be able to act with us in assisting the humanity through the Charity Donation Spotlights. In that vain, we would by intention and vision of safethehumanity recommend our token holders to support us providing care and welfare to the humanity. They are also able to join our interventionist program and become our representative in their respective country. We are not pretending to satisfy or cope up with all the humanity’s problems. However, a change is what we are expecting.

In short, suffering and pains were noticed at first place. Our findings brought up with a lack of necessary needs in these families we have visited. The importance of our intervention is purposlely on moral relief of those families.

We are confident about our interventionist program. It will increase the legibility of SafeTheHumanity and entrust investors or contributors. This is the start of a long journey with SafeTheHumanity to impact the world.


  • SafeTheHumanity Safe-ACTION program is not budgeted on SafeTheHumanity donation or foundation fund.
  • SafeTheHumanity' safe-ACTION program is fully supported by our Representative.
  • Here is the donation fund address. You have the possibility to cross check the donation funds to Charity-Donation by community vote.

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SafetheHumanity — Auto-generating liquidity protocol / Static farming by holding and Contribute for the betterment of humanity.